The 2022 State of Trout Unlimited
Chris Wood, Trout Unlimited CEO, discusses projects in his annual State of Trout Unlimited speech
Welcome to Sac-Sierra Trout Unlimited
Trout Unlimited in California is making some changes and you are involved. My name is Dustin Rocksvold and I am the webmaster for the Sac-Sierra Chapter of Trout Unlimited. Sac-Sierra TU is one of 13 chapters located in California working to Protect, Reconnect and Restore our natural heritage and cold water fishing opportunities.
Trout Unlimited in California has almost 10,000 members, but not all of them were assigned to a local chapter. TU volunteers in California working with TU's professional staff have re-aligned chapter boundaries so that ALL TU members are part of a local or regional chapter. You are receiving this message because you are now a member of the Sac-Sierra Chapter of Trout Unlimited. Welcome! Sac-Sierra TU is focused on Protecting, Reconnecting and Restoring the cold water fisheries of the Western Sierra Nevada.
Do you love salmon and steelhead? Interested in getting your hands dirty and working on a stream bank stabilization project? Want to learn more about Sac-Sierra and how you can help? For more information or go to http://www.sac-sierratu.org/volunteer-opportunities.
Welcome to Sac-Sierra TU!