A short video on the Trout Unlimited Angler Science program
In this episode of Trout Tips Kirk Deeter discusses mending your fly line.
In this episode of Trout Tips Kirk Deeter discusses tailing loops in your fly cast.
In this episode of Trout Tips TROUT Magazine editor Kirk Deeter discusses the haul technique for trout anglers
The Dept of Fish and Game is looking for volunteers to assist with their genetics study of the Redband Trout in the Alturas area. The study will be conducted in 60 streams in the upper Pit River drainage, Warner Valley and Goose Lake areas. The Shasta Trinity Flyfishers Club has members currently volunteering, but DFG can use more. Sampling techniques include backpack electrofishing, and hook & line. This study is expected to be completed by the end of 2009.
Since this work can be demanding, volunteers should be in good physical condition. You will be asked to work from Mon-Fri, provided waders and will be paid per diem from DFG. Lodging in Alturas is closest to the work.
Anyone interested in volunteering, please contact Bill Jong, DFG, Heritage & Wild Trout Program at (530) 225-2062. Let Bill know that you are from our Chapter. If you do volunteer, also please contact John Sikora of our Chapter to report your experiences. He can be reached at (916) 502-2433 and will prepare a summary of your experiences for our Chapter newsletter.