Sac-Sierra Trout Unlimited is looking for volunteers to instruct and assist kids as young as 4-years in fly casting. This highly rewarding activity requires only basic skills in fly casting. The only skill you really need is being good with kids.
As an active Trout Unlimited chapter, we attend many outreach events every year. At most of these events, we engage children (sometimes very young children) as well as adults. For the kids, we bring our Canvas Creek. Out of blue tarps and cardboard and paper mache’ we create a 40-foot-long creek complete with cardboard fish. Each fish is a representation of one of California’s native trout, and sports a functioning mousetrap for a mouth. Using small “micro-caster” fly rods, with yarn for line and lure, each kid tries to get a trout to “snap” at his fly.
The Sac-Sierra Chapter of Trout Unlimited has been awarded an Embrace-a-Stream grant to begin work on a salmon and steelhead habitat restoration project on Secret Ravine in Roseville, CA.
Secret Ravine is a tributary of Dry Creek flowing within a few feet of Interstate 80, one of the busiest traffic corridors between Sacramento and Lake Tahoe. Running for 10.5 miles through a largely urban setting, this little creek hosts populations of Endangered Species Act (ESA) Threatened Central Valley steelhead and ESA Species-of-Concern fall-run Chinook salmon. These salmonid populations have experienced a 90% decline over the past forty years, largely due to the impacts of urbanization.
From time to time Sac-Sierra TU volntueers perform, or participate in, various cleanup events. Some examples have included locations on the American River, Arcade Creek, Kings River and Mokelumne River.
We provide pickup tools, bags, and bottled water for everyone. Bring your mud shoes and a smile!
Sign up for the mailing list by completing the form to the right. Your name and email address will be added to the groups that you select.
You may select as many as you like, but if you are interested in helping with cleanups, make sure you check that box.
South Fork Kings River Clean Up Dates remaining are on July 11, Aug. 8 and Sept 12. The Sept. 12 is part of the Great Sierra River Clean Up. During the July trip we will also be monitoring clarity of Hume Lake with a Secchi Disc as part of the National Secchi Dip In.
See Press Release for more details pm the clean ups here: 2015 Kings River Clean Up Dates | Friends of the South Fork Kings
Much of Trout Unlimited's work is accomplished on the local level by volunteer leaders and members — people like you who love to fish and have joined forces to protect and restore local waters. There are many ways you can help, like giving a membership to a friend, taking action on legislative issues that make a difference for wild trout and salmon, or volunteering for our local chapter or council.
We hope that you will consider taking on the exciting and rewarding responsibility of playing an active role in our local chapter or council. Depending on your position, leadership in TU could involve arranging projects, organizing trips, recruiting new members, coordinating youth education programs, fundraising, or acting as spokesman to media, elected officials, and the general public.
If you are interested in taking on a leadership role, please contact us